Aerial view of the Kingfisher development area near Lake Albert, Uganda Finding substantial reserves of oil and natural gas can offer significant opportunities for the social, economic and political development of any country. However, without adequate environmental management, oil and gas operations can have lasting social and environmental…
Welcome to the online edition of the Disaster Waste Management (DWM) Guidelines. This section contains the relevant tools and general information for those who plan to deploy on disaster waste management missions and those dealing with disaster waste management. We recommend reading the Disaster Waste Management Guidelines…
The impact of Climate Change has already increased the insecurity of vulnerable communities in serval regions across the globe, including exacerbating the loss of livelihoods, food insecurity, competition over scarce resources, human mobility and political and economic instability.
The UNEP division of Technology, Industry and Economics International Environmental Technology Centre has written a compendium which outlines the process of technology selection in the health-care sector based on UNEP's Sustainable Assessment of Technologies (SAT) methodology.
UN Environment Programme (UNEP) Latin America and Caribbean Office have developed a policy paper setting out the response services that UNEP can offer in the region. Both through continuing support to ongoing emergencies and response to new requests for support from governments and other UN agencies, UNEP will focus support…
This factsheet is a special issue from the Lessons Learned Bulletin (LLB) and intends to raise awareness of risks associated with shutdown and startup of industrial sites where dangerous substances are present.
WHO has conducted a Glossary that aims to enable all actors, sectors and communities to work together more efficiently. The glossary is developed to remedy the lack of standardized terminology in the field of Health Emergency and Disaster Risk Management (Health EDRM).
This study, conducted in 2019, focuses on the definition of climate vulnerability with operational and political perspectives and delivers guidelines for assessing climate vulnerability in long-term crises, such as in conflict-affected countries and recurrent disaster-prone areas. The research draws on an extensive academic literature review in the fields of biology,…
This study, conducted in 2019 by WHO, looks at safe health care waste management, including segregation, collection, transport, treatment and waste disposal and understands that it is fundamental to wider efforts to provide quality and safe health care.
This document highlights the key aspects of safe health-care waste management to guide policy-makers, practitioners and facility managers to provide services in health-care facilities. It is based on the comprehensive and detailed WHO handbook Safe management of wastes from health-care activities.
Healthcare Waste - within the Sector Environmental Guidelines (SEGs) prepared for USAID under the Agency's Global Environmental Management Support (GEMS and GEMS-II) Program and Environmental Compliance Support (ECOS) Contract.
A policy briefing provided by the international research collaboration The Lancet Countdown, offering an updated analysis of the intersection of climate change and global health. The briefing integrates the findings of the 2018 Lancet Countdown on Climate Change’s International Report with MSF’s documented on-the-ground experiences.