

How to address environmental issues within humanitarian logistics



The Logistics Cluster provides coordination and information management to support operational decision-making and improve the predictability, timeliness and efficiency of the humanitarian emergency response. Where necessary, the Logistics Cluster also facilitates access to common logistics services.

Logistics, among other things, involves procurement, warehouse storage, freight, flights, vehicle fleet management, driving and packaging of materials. All of these components are entry points to use cost-effective and environmental good practices with some preparation and training on the front end.

In the context of humanitarian logistics, green logistics encourages stakeholders to consider the impact of their actions on the environment. Green logistics views “cost” in a wider term than pure monetary cost, considering also the environmental impacts of logistical activities. Consequently, the climate change impacts, air pollution, waste, noise, vibration and accident risk of a logistics chain are examined and mitigated where feasible. The main objective of green logistics is to implement logistics activities across the entire supply chain in such a way that beneficiary needs are met and the cost to the environment are reduced to the extent possible.

Activities should follow the waste hierarchy approach – minimizing rather than managing waste. The follow order of activities is preferred: prevent, minimize, reuse, recycle, recover (including energy), landfill, with uncontrolled disposal not being an acceptable alternative.


Environmental checklist for logistics (adapted from Green Logistics guide):


Key environmental activities (adapted from Green Logistics guide):


For vehicles, consider the following (adapted from Green Logistics guide):





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Report / Study

Sustainable Logistics – Best Practices from the Global Compact

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Training Material

Green Guide to Materials and the Supply Chain

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Case Study

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Report / Study

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Report / Study

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Report / Study

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Report / Study

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Case Study

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Communication Material

E-waste (batteries)

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Communication Material

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