
Virtual Environmental and Humanitarian Adviser Tool – (VEHA Tool) is a tool
to easily integrate environmental considerations in humanitarian response. Sector Planning guidances allow you to environmentally align your project strategy design.

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VEHA - Sector Planning Guidance

Food Security


Sector result

All people, at all times, have physical, social and economic access to sufficient, safe and nutritious food to meet their dietary needs and food preferences for an active and healthy life in a resilient environment.


Define the indicators

% of beneficiaries supported who have improved food safety, quality and dietary diversity practices.


Ask Questions

Do your school feeding activities assess and plan the sustainable management or reuse of (organic) food waste and minimisation of (non-organic) packaging?

Do your food programmes include support for agricultural productivity and marketing (seeds, fertilizer, tools) that is sustainable, environmental, and adapted to the climatic and context-specific conditions (types of crops, type of agricultural management systems?

Do individuals and communities have access to necessary cooking items that are the least damaging to the environment (fuel, coal, fuel-efficient stoves)?

Have you planned for reducing solid waste and ensuring all packaging and utensils are re-useable or compostable?


Include a Source of Verification

Monitor organic waste production / reduction

Measure the average nutritional intake of the affected population

Measure behaviour changes in relation to amount and types of meals and nutritional values and adoption of efficient cooking methods

Measure and monitor and increase the efficiency of agricultural systems

Measure the proportion of households that have the capacity to store and prepare food safely using suitable equipment and hygienic practices (fuel, water, cooking utensils, food)

Identify and monitor the number of people trained for land conservation and environmental agricultural practices

Monitor solid waste production / reduction

Monitor water tables and water quality, quantity and availability


Consult Guidance & Examples

· Responsible use of food assistance packaging, including minimising waste, reusing, recycling, and composting.

· Link food security with other sectors such as the WASH sector for the prevention of malnutrition and other diseases through the provision of clean water; the Nutrition Sector to address specific food and nutrition needs; and the Education Sector by means of school feeding and school learning opportunities. (source: R4V, 2021; RMRP 2021)

· Find ways to repurpose organic waste and materials such as the creation of compost stations for agricultural use or transfer to local farmers as pig feed.

· WFP, 2010, Learning from experience - Good practices from 45 years of school feeding.(World Food Programme): Learning_Experience 25_06 (

· WFP envisions a future where environmentally sensitive school feeding programmes, which engage effectively with agriculture and the environment, make a major contribution to creating more resilient, new-generation approaches to public food and education systems

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