Virtual Environmental and Humanitarian Adviser Tool – (VEHA Tool) is a tool
to easily integrate environmental considerations in humanitarian response. Field Implementation guidances are useful for the design and execution of humanitarian activities in the field.
Sudden or progressive change in the environment adversely affects the lives or living conditions of people who may have been displaced from their origin. ç
When environmental degradation occurs or sudden onset hazards impact vulnerable areas, people may be forced to move and relocate to areas that then require new infrastructure. The new infrastructure should be built to be resilient and strong enough to endure the impact of future natural hazards.
Excluded people hold the least power to influence decision-making whilst decisions regarding construction are usually made with people who hold significant relative power. Normally excluded people should be consulted regarding potential environmental impacts and regarding their personal needs and dependencies on the local environment.
Air pollution
Soil pollution
Water pollution
Loss of biodiversity and ecosystems
Natural Resource Depletion
Soil erosion
Noise pollution
Impact on mental health
Noise, air, and dust pollution caused by construction activities.
Dust, noise, and air pollution can pose health, comfort, and climatic concerns, as well as impact community relations. These can be caused by site clearance, materials delivery, excavation, construction, cutting, painting, etc.
Consult local communities and make appropriate adjustments.
Use environmentally sensitive construction methods.
Consult local communities – inform them of the planned activities, scale, timescale, work hours, and listen to and address their legitimate concerns for example by adjusting work hours or construction vehicle routes or avoiding noise at particular times of the day. Carry out construction activities in an environmentally sensitive way that eliminates or reduces air, water, soil pollution, or noise. Water spraying can be used to minimize dust, while vehicles should be well-maintained with idling avoided to minimize emissions.
All over the world construction activities cause noise, air, and dust pollution. This can be significantly reduced through a few key techniques: dismantling rather than demolishing; internal demolition prior to external demolition (safely planned); breaking rather than smashing; wetting materials that are to be cut; covering dry soil to reduce dust spreading; erecting fences to reduce noise travel.
Construction activities follow environmental standards
Prevention of environmental damage
Time to consult with communities and adjust activities.
Time to assess possible air, water, soil, noise pollution and amend methods to minimise or eliminate.