Guidance for Recovery in Protracted Crisis

In protracted crises, it is often difficult to clearly distinguish between the end of the crises and the beginning of the recovery phase. Therefore, relief and recovery efforts might might be parallel, ongoing activities. The environmental burden can, therefore, significantly increase when recovery efforts add to relief activities. During early… Read More

Guidance for Evaluation and Learning in Protracted Crisis

The extent to which environmental issues have been addressed and how negative environmental impacts have been mitigated (or not) should be part of the final, annual or mid-term evaluation, depending on the project. In protracted crises, evaluation of the humanitarian response should also include the extent to which the response… Read More

Guidance for Information and Data Sharing in Protracted Crisis

During protracted crises, good information management and data sharing practices are valuable tools to facilitate the consideration of environmental considerations into the humanitarian response. Make use of the following data sets in order to support response planning and implementation activities: land cover and land use. known natural hazards and sources… Read More

Guidance for Coordination in Protracted Emergencies

In protracted crises there are often more opportunities and time to get environmental issues on the humanitarian response table through the cluster system, inter-cluster coordination, or the Humanitarian Country Team where they exist. These fora enable strategic discussions and decision-making by senior management of humanitarian organizations (IASC). Humanitarian actors: Through… Read More

Guidance for Response Monitoring in Protracted Crises

Response monitoring in protracted crises constitutes an ongoing, long-term activity. Due to the long time horizon of response operations, it is important to record environmental impacts to track changes in the environment and provide documentation against claims of environmental degradation caused by assistance operations. Environmental monitoring needs to relate to… Read More

Guidance for Implementation in Protracted Emergencies

During project implementation in protracted crises, make use of local capacities, increasing the accountability of the response and rooting it in the local context. Local networks active over the long timespan of a protracted crises have had sufficient time to specialize in specific areas and possess valuable local knowledge and… Read More

Guidance for Resource Mobilization in Protracted Crises

In multi-year, protracted crises, a lack of funding and resource mobilization can create substantial barriers for project implementation. Underfunding of relief operations is an ongoing issue, especially when the attention of donors, after a sudden spike in events and media coverage, decreases. Such issues are directly affecting environmental programming in… Read More

Guidance for Response and Recovery Planning in Protracted Crises

Including environmental concerns in the planning of the response to a protracted crises is critical to addressing these concerns through clear and specific actions. In most cases, protracted crisis involves conflict and often fragile socio-economic and governance conditions. In many UN-led responses, a Humanitarian Response Plan (HRP) is developed based… Read More

Guidance for Assessments in Protracted Crises

Include an assessment of the state of the environment when updating the overall humanitarian needs assessment. Natural resource depletion and environmental degradation are drivers of subsequent disaster risk, can severely add to the vulnerability of affected people, increase the overall complexity of crisis and complicate recovery efforts. To assess environmental… Read More

Guidance for Situation Analysis in Protracted Crises

The following questions can guide the inclusion of environmental considerations into a situational analysis of a protracted crisis, for example, the Humanitarian Needs Overview: Are existing IDP refugee settlements located/constructed in a sustainable manner? What is the primary source of energy in the population settlement? Are the root causes of… Read More

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