Food Security, Nutrition and Livelihoods

Food Security, Nutrition and Livelihoods

Key environmental issues linked to food security, nutrition and livelihoods programming

Food Security, Nutrition and Livelihoods


Food security in a humanitarian context involves ensuring an adequate supply of food and meeting nutritional needs and cultural expectations, before and after a crisis. Environment, food security and livelihoods are co-dependent. If land is degraded or prone to natural hazards less food is produced and significant food shortages can occur. Food secure communities, especially those reliant on the environment for their livelihoods, require healthy and productive ecosystems. Interventions that focus on short-term benefits and neglect consideration of the environment can jeopardize long-term food security and livelihood opportunities. This reduces societal resilience and undermines recovery opportunities. Implementing food security programs sensitive to environmental and climatic conditions supports sustainability, whilst ensuring current and future food security and access to water and energy. This is particularly important considering increasing external pressures from climate change and natural hazards.

The Sphere Standards (2018) make the link between environment and food security, livelihoods and nutrition. They state that food assistance should be delivered in a way that protects, preserves and restores the natural environment from further degradation, and highlights the impacts of cooking fuel on the environment and the importance of livelihoods strategies that do not contribute to deforestation or soil erosion (Sphere Standards: Food security standard 5.1, Key Action 4). The Sphere Standards also state that environmentally sensitive options for income generation should be chosen for livelihoods interventions whenever possible (Livelihoods standard 7.2: Income and employment, Key Action 6).

Humanitarian activities can cause negative environmental impacts connected to food. These include:

Achieving food security can lead to a variety of environmental challenges such as waste creation. Availability of water which can change quickly after disasters or conflict can create sanitation problems leading to increased health concerns and higher rates of infectious and diarrheal diseases. This, combined with a disruption to a stable food supply has a flow-on effect to people’s livelihoods and can lead to malnutrition.

Climate change can exacerbate drivers of food insecurity and hunger. Climate change also disproportionately affects the poorest, who are often the most food insecure, through unpredictable rainfall patterns, or large losses during extreme storms, which can lead to decreasing crop productivity. Such shocks may result in food insecurity during conflict, natural disaster, sudden onset or protracted crisis. Higher prices of food following crises affects a household’s access to food and fulfilling dietary requirements.

The environmental implications of using cash in food security and livelihoods programming are mixed. Some potential advantages include the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions involved in the transport and storage of food; support to smallholder farmers and; reduction of packaging. Disadvantages of cash to local farmers include the potential support of unsustainable practices (pesticides, local water resources).

The NEAT+ [link to download the tool and guidance] screening tool food security module can be used as a checklist of the major issues of concern to factor in while planning a food security project.  Some of the main environmental impacts to consider in different components of programming are:

Direct food assistance:



Fisheries and aquaculture:

Irrigation and water management:


In IDP and Refugee camps

Opportunities to minimize and address these environmental impacts related to food

Food production/procurement:

Food processing:

Food packaging, transport and storage (logistics):

Food use:


Policy Document

Sphere Handbook Food Security Standards

The Sphere Minimum Standards for food security and nutrition are a practical expression of the right to adequate food in humanitarian contexts. The standards are grounded in the beliefs, principles, duties and rights declared in the Humanitarian Charter, including the rights to life with dignity, protection, security, and the right…

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Policy Document

Global Food Security Cluster website

The Food Security Cluster (FSC) is about enhancing cooperation and partnerships. The FSC works directly with its partners and stakeholders that include NGOs, the Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement, UN organizations, Governments and Donors. The FSC was formally endorsed by the Inter Agency Standing Committee (IASC) on the 15…

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Training Material

GRRT Green Guide to Livelihoods

The GRRT is a toolkit and training program designed to increase awareness and knowledge of environmentally responsible disaster response approaches. It explores the links b/n livelihoods, disaster vulnerability, and ecosystems and targets environmental issues related to the implementation of post-disaster livelihoods recovery in multy sector projects.

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Report / Study

Looking Through an Environmental Lens: Implications and opportunities associated with Cash Transfer Programming in humanitarian response

In this report, the authors explore the r/ship b/n Cash Transfer Programming and the environment in humanitarian action in light of the rise in cash-based assistance and the changing landscape of humanitarian modalities. The expansion of cash-based response introduces both new opportunities and additional complexity in the interaction between humanitarianism…

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USAID Sector Environmental Guidelines: Agriculture

This guide examines natural resources management activities that can play a role in fortifying farming systems sustainability. Soil and water conservation or on a larger scale, watershed management can build local farming systems resilience to climatic variability and change and extreme events and add incrementally to their agricultural productivity.

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USAID Sector Environmental Guidelines: Pest Management I: Integrated Pest Management

The document provides guidance on integrated pest management, an approach which encourages natural and cultural control of pest populations by anticipating and managing pest problems, while permitting safer pesticide uses where justified and permitted.

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USAID Sector Environmental Guidelines: Pest Management II: Safer Pesticide Use

The document provides guidance on maximizing the safety of pesticide use when such use is unavoidable. Before analyzing the risks and benefits of pesticide use all reasonable Integrated Pest Management alternatives must be analyzed.

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Environment Marker Sector Guidance

This guidance accompanies the Environment Marker, and aims at giving specific guidance on mitigation measures for activities in “B”-coded projects (medium environmental impact). It provides additional sector-specific guidance, using the example of Sudan.

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Case Study

Research Article – Impacts of Forests on Children’s Diet in Rural Areas Across 27 Developing Countries

A research study looking at the impacts of forests on diet. The results indicates that forests could help reduce vitamin A and iron deficiencies and the study establishes the causal relationship between forests and diet, thus strengthening the incentives for integrating forest conservation and management into nutrition interventions.

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Communication Material

FAO Guidance – The SAFE Leaflet

The Safe Access to Fuel and Energy leaflet (SAFE) created by the FAO is an initiative that aims at strengthening resilience of crisis-affected populations. FAO is collaborating with partners through the SAFE initiative to address energy needs during emergencies and protracted crises, and to build resilient livelihoods in a sustainable…

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FAO -The SAFE Framework

The report of the Safe Access to Fuel and Energy (SAFE) presents an overview of FAO's work on the initiative and the steps needed to scale up the approach in order to build resilience through the SAFE framework.

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FAO – The guidance note Meeting Fuel and Energy Needs in Protracted Crises

The FAO guidance note presents the experiences and lessons learned which aims to support humanitarian actors in the field addressing energy access as part of food and nutrition security interventions in situations of protracted crisis.

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Checklist for integrating energy in the Humanitarian Programme Cycle

Builds on experiences with the implementation of Safe Access to Fuel and Energy (SAFE) and SAFE-related projects to guide the Cluster Coordination team and partners on how to integrate energy in all phases of the Humanitarian Programme Cycle. Steps are outlined for each of the HPC.

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Communication Material

FAO: Food Security and the Environment

Key facts on the links between food security and the environment by FAO.

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Communication Material

Food Security & Livelihoods (FSL) tip sheet

Sudan Crisis…

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USAID Sector Environmental Guidelines: Livestock

This guideline will help identify potential adverse environmental impacts of use of cattle, sheep, goats, pigs, poultry, and other livestock and suggest mitigation and monitoring options, as well as “best management practices,” to address them.

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USAID Sector Environmental Guidelines: Wild caught Fisheries and Aquaculture

USAID investments in wild-caught fisheries and aquaculture are made in the context of international, national, and agency guidelines, agreements, and policies. These policies represent the governance framework within which USAID projects in the fisheries and aquaculture sector are designed, implemented, and evaluated for responsible environmental stewardship.

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FAO Technical Guidelines for the implementation of the International Code of Conduct on Pesticide management

The guidance advises on the implementation of specific aspects of the Code of Conduct concerning pesticides. Specific guidelines on pesticide use, application, prevention and disposal are available.

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Report / Study

USAID Programmatic Environmental Assessment (PEA) for Phosphone Fumigation of Stored Agricultural Commodity

The Fumigation PEA establishes a clear approach to manage health and environmental risks for actors that plan to undertake phosphine fumigation in a warehouse setting.

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