
Virtual Environmental and Humanitarian Adviser Tool – (VEHA Tool) is a tool
to easily integrate environmental considerations in humanitarian response. Field Implementation guidances are useful for the design and execution of humanitarian activities in the field.

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VEHA - Field Implementation Guidance

Enabling activities - Livelihoods
Preparedness - Livelihoods
Livelihood response preparedness

Livelihood response preparedness


Environmental factors causing/contributing to the needs and affecting the humanitarian activity

Over the past two decades, the nature of humanitarian crises has gradually become more protracted, unpredictable, and complex.

Crises are increasingly exacerbated by factors such as climate change, environmental degradation, rapid urbanisation and industrialisation, and by the overlaps between disasters, conflict, and fragile situations.

Faced with these growing challenges, the humanitarian community needs to adjust its practices and tools in order to provide a more effective early response (DG ECHO).

Every community, and therefore every country, faces a variety of hazards and disaster risks that may result in environmental emergency situations. The potential impacts from these man-made (technological) and/or “natural” hazards may vary substantially depending upon the characteristics of the community and its access to preparedness and emergency response resources.

Although their causes can be different, the result of environmental degradation can be the same as that of climate-related hazards, and they can be made more severe by climate change. For example, climate change can increase the risk of landslides through increased heavy rain over time. Deforestation, particularly on hillsides, can also increase the risk of landslides by destabilising the soil. Furthermore, climate change impacts and environmental degradation can also exacerbate existing tensions, increasing the risk of conflict and can therefore be seen as “threat multipliers”.

Preparedness helps save lives and minimise adverse impacts resulting from (environmental) emergencies at a local level.

As an activity ongoing throughout the Humanitarian Programme Cycle, preparedness should always consider the environment. The main objective of an emergency preparedness plan is to protect lives and the environment by reducing the incidence and severity of hazards and the potential impacts of both industrial accidents and natural disasters.

Gender, age, disability and HIV/AIDS implications

Assess the different needs, vulnerabilities, and capacities of women, men, children, boys, girls, the elderly, disabled, people living with chronic or terminal health conditions, and people from vulnerable minorities. Address their specific needs within preparedness plans.


Environmental impact categories

Air pollution
Coastal erosion
Natural resource depletion
Saltwater intrusion
Soil pollution
Water pollution
Water depletion

Summary of Impacts
Summary of potential environmental impacts

Close proximity of people to existing environmental hazards and to human-made environmental hazards

Impact detail
Detailed potential environmental impact information

The location of humans in close proximity to naturally occurring environmental hazards can put them and the environment at risk. Natural hazard events may include earthquakes, tsunamis, cyclones, floods, landslides, and extreme weather events.

Human-made hazards, such as denuding slopes, mining, poor road, building, or infrastructure construction; increase in frequency or intensity of extreme weather events due to climate change; unsafe or polluting industry or unexploded munitions can all have significant impacts on people and the environment and on WASH infrastructure.


Summary of environmental activities

Preparedness allows for an early and efficient response, helping save lives, reduce suffering and pre-empt or decrease the extent of needs. In this way it lessens the impact of a hazard and/or threat and contributes to resilience:

1. Profile and monitor environmental risks in the area of implementation or area of interest

2. Assess risks, vulnerabilities, and capacities for integrating environment into humanitarian action.

3. Identify and facilitate the involvement of environmental actors in preparedness/coordination structures

4. Include environment in emergency training and exercises

5. Develop environmental emergency contingency plans and/or include environmental factors into contingency plan (using all of the above activities)

6. Mainstream environment in disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation plans/projects.

Detailed guidance for implementing suggested environmental activities

Preparedness is achieved by first promoting awareness of hazards and risks and then addressing them at the local level with a focus well beyond simply responding after an accident or disaster occurs. In a preparedness plan, accident prevention, disaster risk reduction, mitigation of possible consequences, emergency response and community recovery are all important elements and each of these elements can be improved.

This includes:

· Identifying stakeholders and engaging them in developing preparedness plans.

· Assessing the community profile, its environment, defining hazards, risks, vulnerabilities, and potential impact and capacities. Make use of existing environmental databases and networks such as climate data, the location of protected areas, vegetation/land cover, measurements of pollution (including information on areas hosting hazardous and toxic materials), topographical and hydrological data, biodiversity levels, availability of natural resources, and natural hazard data. Data can come from all sorts of sources.

· Engage local environmental and conservation NGOs and communities in emergency preparedness work, for example, those working on water resources, sustainable forestry, and solid waste management. Note that such environmental actors might not always be present, making community consultants an even more important resource

· Include environmental local actors in training strategy, exercises, and simulation. Ensure they know their role and added value in emergency preparedness.

· A risk-informed approach is crucial to reduce the humanitarian needs caused by risks. A needs-based approach must consistently integrate risk assessment and analysis. This allows existing and potential risks to be evaluated and action is taken before a crisis hits or a situation deteriorates, thus reducing suffering and humanitarian needs. Identify capacities, gaps, and ways to address those gaps.

· Prioritise Anticipatory and Early Actions and make sure environmental triggers are well identified and integrated into contingency plans.

Lessons Learnt
Lessons from past experiences

The rising number of disaster events and crises worldwide has alerted people to protect their livelihood. Learning from disaster preparedness in New Zeland, building on livelihoods recovery in remote locations after the Kaikoura earthquake.

Case study, field observations, as well as interviews with business owners and individuals recovering from the earthquake, suggested physical and psychological preparedness, public enlightenment on insurance policies and obligations, external networks, livelihood diversification, cash and inventory management as well as the importance of self-efficacy as lessons learned for livelihood preparedness.

Furthermore, research findings highlighted that a vision for Kaikura town and a clear community identity was crucial for achieving long-term business viability and sustainable living. These Lessons could assist businesses, individuals, and governments in hazard-prone and relatively isolated locations to better prepare livelihoods against disasters and potentially minimise the economic burden of recovery.

Activity Measurement
Environmental indicators/monitoring examples

# of community preparedness plans which include environmental dimension

Activity Status
Main Focus
Focus of suggested activities

Prevention, mitigation of environmental damage and Environmental enhancement

Resource implications (physical assets, time, effort)

Time for vulnerability/capacity assessments, risk mapping, and developing preparedness plans in consultation with communities and other actors.

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