Guidance for Implementation in Protracted Emergencies

During project implementation in protracted crises, make use of local capacities, increasing the accountability of the response and rooting it in the local context. Local networks active over the long timespan of a protracted crises have had sufficient time to specialize in specific areas and possess valuable local knowledge and… Read More

Guidance for Implementation in Sudden Onset Emergencies

Planned or operational humanitarian programmes, projects and activities should be screened for their environmental impacts and risks. The NEAT+ screening tool can be used for environmental screening of projects [link to NEAT+ resource] If activities with negative environmental impacts are underway or planned three actions should be considered: Postpone or… Read More

Guidance for Resource Mobilization in Protracted Crises

In multi-year, protracted crises, a lack of funding and resource mobilization can create substantial barriers for project implementation. Underfunding of relief operations is an ongoing issue, especially when the attention of donors, after a sudden spike in events and media coverage, decreases. Such issues are directly affecting environmental programming in… Read More

Guidance for Resource Mobilization in Sudden Onset Emergencies

Funding requests for environmental activities in sudden onset disasters must be linked to broader programming goals and strive to save and sustain lives. All requests should focus on these overarching objectives in order to justify environmental spending, and will also have a higher chance of securing funding. Environmental activities should… Read More

Guidance for Response and Recovery Planning in Protracted Crises

Including environmental concerns in the planning of the response to a protracted crises is critical to addressing these concerns through clear and specific actions. In most cases, protracted crisis involves conflict and often fragile socio-economic and governance conditions. In many UN-led responses, a Humanitarian Response Plan (HRP) is developed based… Read More

Guidance for Response and Recovery Planning in Sudden Onset Emergencies

Including environmental concerns in response plans advances environmental mainstreaming throughout the humanitarian operations through clear and specific actions. Due to the nature of sudden-onset emergencies, not all relief activities can always be based on detailed pre-disaster information. Know the planning context within which you operate. Within the UN system, the… Read More

Guidance for Assessments in Protracted Crises

Include an assessment of the state of the environment when updating the overall humanitarian needs assessment. Natural resource depletion and environmental degradation are drivers of subsequent disaster risk, can severely add to the vulnerability of affected people, increase the overall complexity of crisis and complicate recovery efforts. To assess environmental… Read More

Guidance for Assessments in Sudden Onset Emergencies

Include environmental assessments as an integral component of the disaster assessment phase. Conduct an environmental assessment as soon as possible after the disaster even if the environmental consequences do not seem obvious. Make use of cluster and/or sector meetings to collect and share information, to raise awareness for cluster-specific environmental… Read More

Guidance for Situation Analysis in Protracted Crises

The following questions can guide the inclusion of environmental considerations into a situational analysis of a protracted crisis, for example, the Humanitarian Needs Overview: Are existing IDP refugee settlements located/constructed in a sustainable manner? What is the primary source of energy in the population settlement? Are the root causes of… Read More

Guidance for Situation Analysis in Sudden Onset Emergencies

Identify the key links between environmental factors and humanitarian action: Are there environmental causes connected to the crisis? Identify key environmental drivers and underlying environmental factors. Key environmental drivers include land degradation and deforestation, degraded coastlines and wetland ecosystems, the pollution of water, land and air (for example due to… Read More

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