Resource Mobilization

Resource Mobilization

Mobilizing resources for disaster management

Resource Mobilization

Effective mobilization of resources for the environment presupposes the inclusion of environmental concerns in assessments and project planning. Solid evidence allows humanitarian actors to make a strong case for environment-focused activities. Sufficient environment-related funding for things such as environmental impact assessments or hiring Environmental Field Advisors supports environmental mainstreaming.

To ensure that environmental issues are adequately addressed, it is important to prioritize and include environmental activities in proposals, fundraising materials and donor briefings. Funding requests should specifically include environmental concerns and give due considerations to the state of natural resources and environmental issues, as these can negatively affect vulnerable communities and the way humanitarian assistance can be delivered. Including environmental concerns in Humanitarian Response Plans, applications for Country-based Pooled Funds (CBPF), the OCHA Central Emergency Response Fund (CERF), or any other funding mechanisms, can significantly improve the integration of environmental concerns into the humanitarian response.

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