Situation Analysis
Taking account the environment in a Situation Analysis following a crisis
Taking account the environment in a Situation Analysis following a crisis
This guidance focuses on the preparation of the humanitarian needs overview…
GeoQ is a web-based tool that fuses together data about a disaster site, including maps, imagery, news videos, and even social media from citizens at the scene.
The UNITAR Operational Satellite Applications Programme (UNOSAT) provides high-quality geo-spatial information to UN decision makers, member states, international organizations and non-governmental organizations.
The Multi-cluster Initial Rapid Assessment (MIRA) is a joint needs assessment tool that provides a process for collecting and analyzing information on affected people and their needs to inform strategic response planning.
Module 2 provides guidance on how project design, monitoring, and evaluation can better incorporate and address environmental issues within the typical project cycle of a post-disaster humanitarian aid project…
OCHA Occasional Policy Brief on climate change and humanitarian action…
A collaborative study on the true cost of using traditional fuels in a humanitarian setting, using a case study of the Nyarugusu refugee camp in Tanzania.
A case study providing analysis and assessment of the extent to which environmental concerns have been mainstreamed in humanitarian action in Afghanistan.
A case study providing analysis and assessment of the extent to which environmental concerns have been mainstreamed in humanitarian action in Nepal.
Download the two page annex here. Integrating environmental considerations…
The WHO UNFCCC Climate and Health Country Profile Project provides country-specific estimates of current and future climate hazards. It also identifies theĆ effects of climate change on human health and identifies mitigation and policy change actions. The data is collected via biennial surveys and was completed in 2017.
This document highlights the complex relationship between armed conflict and environmental pollution.
UN Development Group Guidance on the roles that natural resources can play in peace consolidation. It provides practical guidance to assist in thinking through how natural resource management principles and practices can feed into transitional analysis and planning frameworks.
A collection of publications on environment and culture published by UNESCO.
A cloud solution for mapping and monitoring the sustainable use of natural resources.
Climate risk profiles summarize key climate stressors and risks most relevant to a mission's objectives. Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions fact sheets provide information that may be useful in identifying climate change mitigation opportunities.
A case study providing analysis and assessment of the extent to which environmental concerns have been mainstreamed in humanitarian action in Haiti.
Assessing the environmental consequences of an emergency and prioritizing the response actions based on the needs, forms the foundation of a coherent, efficient and sustainable humanitarian response.
Environment is included into response plans in order to improve programme quality and accountability to disaster-affected people.
Environmental mainstreaming is dependent on successful resource mobilization, where environmental concerns must be integrated in funding proposals in order to secure funding.
Successful integration of environment into the implementation of humanitarian response requires that environment be included into preparedness and planning phases, but also effective coordination with national actors.
Response monitoring is about creating evidence for humanitarian actors about what actions should be taken to address shortcomings and fill gaps in in the response, with the aim of improving accountability towards affected populations, local government, donors and the general public.