

Including environmental concerns and considerations in risk assessments


Understanding the hazards, risks, vulnerabilities and potential emergency response needs forms the basis of any preparedness planning process. Risk analysis provides a common understanding and prioritization of risks, and should include existing environmental conditions and threats. The risk analysis process typically comprises: identification of risks, prioritization of risks (usually involving an assessment of likelihood and impact) and the setting up of a risk monitoring mechanism.

Existing environmental information and assessments will provide crucial information for the risk assessment process. One must analyze how the current environmental conditions might create disaster risk either directly or through secondary hazards (see Figure 11). Environmental emergencies2 or human activities can cause substantial environmental degradation, which in turn, poses new risks to human health and livelihoods. The potential of natural disasters triggering technological accidents (so called na-techs) should also be considered. The risk assessment process will also determine how vulnerable the environment is to various disaster impacts. Such potential impacts should be accounted for when determining the overall impact of a disaster event.

Environmental causes and consequences of disasters

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