Environmental Situation Analysis
Analyzing the environmental issues and concerns in a societal context
Analyzing the environmental issues and concerns in a societal context
Aerial view of the Kingfisher development area near Lake Albert, Uganda Finding substantial reserves of oil and natural gas can offer significant opportunities for the social, economic and political development of any country. However, without adequate environmental management, oil and gas operations can have lasting social and environmental…
This factsheet describes the emergency response services undertaken by the UN Environment/OCHA Joint Unit following assistance requests by Member States.
A platform with free access to ESA and NASA low resolution (10m) satellite imagery that is updated weekly and can help identify environmental changes published by Sinergise.
The Awareness and Preparedness for Emergencies at Local Level (APELL) Programme aims to reduce industrial risks at local level, raise awareness and build local capacity to respond to emergencies.
The Index for Risk Management (InfoRM) published by the European Commission and the Interagency Standing Committee (IASC) is a composite indicator that identifies the countries at a high risk of humanitarian crisis that are more likely to require international assistance. Core indicators have been chosen to respond to changes in…
A collection of country environmental analyses by the World Bank…
Quick identification of serious environmental concerns in small-scale sanitation activities.
This guide examines natural resources management activities that can play a role in fortifying farming systems sustainability. Soil and water conservation or on a larger scale, watershed management can build local farming systems resilience to climatic variability and change and extreme events and add incrementally to their agricultural productivity.
The Rapid Environmental Assessment Guidelines are a tool which allow for defining and prioritizing potential environmental impacts during disaster situations.
Mission report by the Ministry of Environment and Forest of Bangladesh on the environmental impacts of the refugee influx in Bangladesh.
Download the two page annex here. Integrating environmental considerations…
Northwest Uganda, examines the quantity and composition of biomass in the two refugee settlements and the buffer zone around them. It is based on an inventory that counted and identified every seedling and sapling and all standing trees on 234 circular plots and recorded their diameter at breast height (DBH),…
The thesis of this report, is that refugees inevitably place strain on natural resources and ecosystems. The core humanitarian sectors of water and health depend upon healthy, functioning ecosystems, they argue. And taking measures, such as catchment-based planning for water, as early as possible can make a vast difference to…
This factsheet describes the Flash Environmental Assessment Tool (FEAT), a tool developed by the UN Environment/OCHA Joint Unit (JEU) to help humanitarians assess the impacts of chemical accidents.
This factsheet describes the supporting role the UN Environment/OCHA Joint Unit (JEU) undertakes during disaster waste management activities.
The Toxic Remnants of War Network is a civil society network working to reduce the humanitarian and environmental impact of pollution from conflict and military activities.
PAX works to document the environmental impact of new and ongoing conflicts, and to build better responses in order to reduce threats to public health and environmental risks for civilians.
UN Development Group Guidance on the roles that natural resources can play in peace consolidation. It provides practical guidance to assist in thinking through how natural resource management principles and practices can feed into transitional analysis and planning frameworks.
The Climate Centre is a specialist reference centre of the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC).
IFRC’s Green Response seeks to save lives and reduce suffering without risking damage to the livelihoods, health and survival of affected people and improving the environmental outcomes of life-saving operations.
PEDRR is a global partnership comprised of UN agencies, international and regional NGOs as well as specialist institutes that collectively aim to influence policy, enhance implementation and better coordinate efforts in environmental management for disaster risk reduction, climate change adaptation and sustainable livelihoods.
A collection of UNECE's environmental performance reviews…
A collection of resources and guidance on ecosystems, livelihoods, and dissater risk reduction by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN)…
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) website on environment, disasters and climate change, including the 2015 report on UNHCR, the Environment & Climate Change.
An explanation of the links between WASH and Environment by UNICEF…
This document links key environmental considerations to WASH projects and provides guidance for good environmental management throughout the project cycle.
This guidance explains how to deal with light bulbs and lamps in operations (reduce, reuse, recycle, dispose)…
This guidance explains how to deal with batteries in operations (reduce, reuse, recycle, dispose)…
USAID investments in wild-caught fisheries and aquaculture are made in the context of international, national, and agency guidelines, agreements, and policies. These policies represent the governance framework within which USAID projects in the fisheries and aquaculture sector are designed, implemented, and evaluated for responsible environmental stewardship.
The Health and Environment Linkages Initiative (HELI) is a global effort by WHO and UN Environment to promote and facilitate action in developing countries to reduce environmental threats to human health, in support of sustainable development objectives.
Builds on experiences with the implementation of Safe Access to Fuel and Energy (SAFE) and SAFE-related projects to guide the Cluster Coordination team and partners on how to integrate energy in all phases of the Humanitarian Programme Cycle. Steps are outlined for each of the HPC.
A collection of OECD's environmental country reviews…
The Environmental Vulnerability Index (EVI) uses multiple smart indicators to estimate the vulnerability of the environment of a country to future shocks.
The Environmental Performance Index (EPI) published by the Yale Center for Environmental Law and Policy ranks 180 countries on 24 performance indicators across ten issue categories covering environmental health and ecosystem vitality.
Copernicus is the European Commission's Earth Observation Programme with vast amounts of global data from satellites and from ground-based, airborne and seaborne measurement systems.
Tools provided by the Global Fire Monitoring Center which aim to build the capacity of actors to conserve biodiversity and protected areas during wildfires.
Guidelines and a portal by the Global Fire Monitoring Center which aims to integrate community-level action into wildfire preparedness, prevention & response.
Planning instrument for fire management at national level offered by the Global Fire Monitoring Center and the Regional Wildland Fire Networks.
Regional centers run by the Global Fire Monitoring Center, which provides capacity building services and advisory support to hosting countries.
Global Fire Monitoring Center provides an Early Warning System to identify critical time periods of extreme fire danger. This warning system enables communities to prevent and mitigate the dangers of wildland fires before they occur.
16 regional networks which allow actors to share knowledge, expertise and resources regarding wildfire management.
An online repository on fire management information run by the Global Fire Monitoring Centre. It provides policy advising & formulation services and offers information for high-level political activities.
The preparedness and response tools for wildland fires made available by the Global Fire Monitoring Center.
International and regional advisory services provided by the Global Fire Monitoring Centre and the Global Wildland Fire Network, which offer thematic support for international bodies to devise, design and implement fire management programmes.
A mission report from the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission mapping of dam failure scenarios for Mosul Dam in Iraq.
A case study of the disastrous environmental and public health impacts due to the ongoing conflict in Syria.
Risk analysis provides a common understanding and prioritization of risks, and should include existing environmental conditions and threats
Addressing environment as part of preparedness planning lays the foundation for its integration into humanitarian action.
Communicating risks effectively to populations and communities is essential for people to be able to be better prepared and to reduce the damaging impacts of hazards.
Policies supported by institutional frameworks and legal arrangements make up the disaster risk management framework. In order to systematically integrate environmental concerns in humanitarian action, one must consider the institutional arrangements governing disaster preparedness, response, recovery and emergency funding.
An understanding of evolving risks is fundamental to a timely and effective response. The analysis of disaster risks informs the planning of a response, while monitoring ensures that the process is responsive to changing contexts