

Assessment of environmental consequences after an emergency


Case Study, Guideline, Tool, Training Material

UNEP-Norway Partnership Training Resource Library for Reducing Pollution Risks Associated with the Energy Sector

Finding substantial reserves of oil and natural gas offers significant opportunities for the social, economic and political development of any country. However, oil & gas exploitation can also pose significant risks, from major accidents as well as from routine operations that cause serious environmental damage. Without adequate safeguards…

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Communication Material

UNEP/OCHA Joint Environment Unit – Response Activities Factsheet

This factsheet describes the emergency response services undertaken by the UN Environment/OCHA Joint Unit following assistance requests by Member States.

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UNEP – Integrated Strategic Environmental Assessment (ISEA) Guidance Note

The UN Environment Guidance note on Integrated Strategic Environmental Assessments in Post-Crisis Countries provides information on how to integrate disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation in sustainable reconstruction and development planning. It provides practical guidance on how to manage the process of assembling data.

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Sinergise, Sentinel Hub

A platform with free access to ESA and NASA low resolution (10m) satellite imagery that is updated weekly and can help identify environmental changes published by Sinergise.

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GeoQ is a web-based tool that fuses together data about a disaster site, including maps, imagery, news videos, and even social media from citizens at the scene.

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The UNITAR Operational Satellite Applications Programme (UNOSAT)

The UNITAR Operational Satellite Applications Programme (UNOSAT) provides high-quality geo-spatial information to UN decision makers, member states, international organizations and non-governmental organizations.

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Report / Study

IUCN, Ecosystems, Livelihoods and Disasters: An Integrated Approach to Disaster Risk Management

This publication by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) outlines the role of ecosystems in the reduction of natural hazard and disaster risk.

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UNISDR Guidance Note on Environmental Assessment

This guidance note provides guidance in analyzing the disaster risk-related consequences of potential projects via their impact on the environment and also the potential threat to projects posed by natural hazard…

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The Rapid Environmental Impact Assessment in Disasters (REA) tool

The Rapid Environmental Impact Assessment in Disaster (REA) is a tool to identify, define, and prioritize potential environmental impacts in disaster situations.

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Policy Document

The Sphere Handbook

The Handbook is one of the most widely known and internationally recognized tools for the delivery of the quality humanitarian response…

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The Multi-cluster Initial Rapid Assessment (MIRA)

The Multi-cluster Initial Rapid Assessment (MIRA) is a joint needs assessment tool that provides a process for collecting and analyzing information on affected people and their needs to inform strategic response planning.

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The Framework for Assessing, Monitoring and Evaluating (FRAME) Toolkit

The FRAME Toolkit is a Framework for Assessing, Monitoring and Evaluating the Environment in Refugee-Related Operations…

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Training Material

Green Recovery & Reconstruction Toolkit – Module 3: Environmental Impact Assessment Tools and Techniques

Module 3 builds upon Module 2, focusing specifically on assessment tools that can be used to determine the environmental impact of humanitarian projects regardless of project type or sector…

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UNESCO Guidebook for planning education in emergencies and reconstruction

Guidelines to provide an educational response in emergency and reconstruction settings. Chapter 4.4 focuses on environmental education in emergencies.

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Rapid Environmental Assessment in Disasters (REA) Guidelines

The Rapid Environmental Assessment Guidelines are a tool which allow for defining and prioritizing potential environmental impacts during disaster situations.

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Disaster Waste Management Guidelines

These guidelines were developed with the aim of supporting the full cycle of disaster waste management, from risk reduction and contingency planning through to emergency planning response following a disaster or conflict.

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Case Study

Colombia NEAT+ Environmental Scoping Report and Recommendations, November 2019

Environmental Situation Analysis, Preparedness The purpose of the mission was to highlight key areas of environmental risk in UNHCR's programming in the CAI and neighbouring Chichituy host community while applying and promoting the Nexus Environmental Assessment Tool (NEAT+).

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Case Study

Myanmar – NEAT+ Environmental Scoping Report and Recommendations, October 2019

This report presents the results of an environmental scoping mission using the Nexus Environmental Assessment Tool (NEAT+) Hpa An Township, Kayin State in Southeast Myanmar.

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Case Study

Bidibidi Refugee Settlement: Environmental Scoping Report and Recommendations

The Bidibidi Refugee Settlement is located in the West Nile Area of Uganda, and is home to over 270,000 South Sudanese refugees -- the second largest refugee settlement in the world.

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Communication Material

UNEP/OCHA Joint Environment Unit – Disaster Waste Management Factsheet

This factsheet describes the supporting role the UN Environment/OCHA Joint Unit (JEU) undertakes during disaster waste management activities.

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Communication Material

UNEP/OCHA Joint Environment Unit – FEAT Factsheet

This factsheet describes the Flash Environmental Assessment Tool (FEAT), a tool developed by the UN Environment/OCHA Joint Unit (JEU) to help humanitarians assess the impacts of chemical accidents.

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Case Study

FAO – Rapid Assessment of Natural Resources Degradation in Areas Impacted by the South Sudan Refugee Influx in Northern Uganda

A technical report on the rapid diagnostic assessment of land and natural resources degradation in Uganda undertaken by the FAO in collaboration with the Ugandan Ministry of Water and Environment (MWE) in 2018.

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Case Study

Haiti Environment and Humanitarian Action Country Study

The Environment and Humanitarian Action (EHA) Haiti country study is one in a series of country-level studies that assess the extent to which environmental concerns have been mainstreamed in humanitarian action. In April 2015, JEU supported by Groupe URD to undertook a mission to Haiti to look at environmental mainstreaming…

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Case Study

Nepal Environment and Humanitarian Action Country Study

Nepal Earthquake…

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Case Study

Afghanistan Environment and Humanitarian Action country study

The Afghanistan Environment and Humanitarian Action (EHA) country-level study is one in a series of studies undertaken by the JEU in 2015 that assesses the extent to which environmental concerns have been mainstreamed in humanitarian action. This study provides guidance and advice to humanitarian actors on how to improve environmental…

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Case Study

Mozambique Shelter Cluster & UNDP – General strategy for risk reduction linked to asbestos cement

This strategy addresses awareness, assessment and management of asbestos following Cyclone Idai in Mozambique (2019). Drawing from the case study, the strategy provides a general outline of key steps to raise awareness; design trainings; and plan and implement safe removal, handling and disposal of asbestos in emergency situations.

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Pax for Peace – Conflict & Environment

PAX works to document the environmental impact of new and ongoing conflicts, and to build better responses in order to reduce threats to public health and environmental risks for civilians.

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Report / Study

Environmental Impact Assessments in Refugee Crises

A report on environmental impacts assessments in refugee crisis.

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Toxic Remnants of War Network

The Toxic Remnants of War Network is a civil society network working to reduce the humanitarian and environmental impact of pollution from conflict and military activities.

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Report / Study

IFRC Green Response

IFRC’s Green Response seeks to save lives and reduce suffering without risking damage to the livelihoods, health and survival of affected people and improving the environmental outcomes of life-saving operations.

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UNEP Environmental Needs Assessment in Post-Disaster Situations: A Practical Guide for Implementation

This guidance outlines a post-emergency environmental needs assessment method in order to fully integrate environmental needs within early recovery programming.

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ECLAC Handbook for Estimating the Socio-economic and Environmental Effects of Disasters

The United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean manual is a tool for identifying and quantifying damages from a disaster, through a uniform methodology. It also provides the elements necessary to identify those social, economic and environmental and geographical regions that have been more concerned and that…

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A cloud solution for mapping and monitoring the sustainable use of natural resources.

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WHO: Health response to technological incidents

This WHO page gathers guidance concerning the public health response to technological incidents, e.g. chemical accidents and accidents related to the transport of hazardous goods.

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Checklist for integrating energy in the Humanitarian Programme Cycle

Builds on experiences with the implementation of Safe Access to Fuel and Energy (SAFE) and SAFE-related projects to guide the Cluster Coordination team and partners on how to integrate energy in all phases of the Humanitarian Programme Cycle. Steps are outlined for each of the HPC.

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IASC Operational Guidance on Coordinated Assessments in Humanitarian Crises (IASC-CA)

The IASC Operational Guidance on Coordinated Assessments in Humanitarian Crises (IASC-CA) promotes a shared vision of how to plan and carry out coordinated assessments. Outputs from coordinated assessments support humanitarian decision-making by focusing on how to enhance preparedness and coordinate assessments.

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Case Study

PAX – Scorched Earth and Charred Lives

A report by PAX for Peace regarding Syria۪s oil industry, the rise of makeshift oil refining and the issues arising from these practices.

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UNEP/OCHA Joint Environment Unit – Environment Marker

A tool enabling each humanitarian project to identify its potential impact on the local environment, providing guidance on how to address it in a manner which is tailored to the specific country.

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CARE International – Rapid Environmental Impact in Disasters Guidelines

These guidelines provide information on the Rapid Environmental Assessment tool, which is designed to identify, define, and prioritize potential environmental impacts in disaster situations…

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