Crisis Response and Recovery

Crisis Response and Recovery

Including the environment in Crises Response and Recovery

Case Study, Guideline, Tool, Training Material

UNEP-Norway Partnership Training Resource Library for Reducing Pollution Risks Associated with the Energy Sector

Finding substantial reserves of oil and natural gas offers significant opportunities for the social, economic and political development of any country. However, oil & gas exploitation can also pose significant risks, from major accidents as well as from routine operations that cause serious environmental damage. Without adequate safeguards…

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Disaster Waste Management Guidelines (DWMG) Online

Welcome to the online edition of the Disaster Waste Management (DWM) Guidelines. This section contains the relevant tools and general information for those who plan to deploy on disaster waste management missions and those dealing with disaster waste management. We recommend reading the Disaster Waste Management Guidelines…

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Report / Study

Gender, Climate & Security

The impact of Climate Change has already increased the insecurity of vulnerable communities in serval regions across the globe, including exacerbating the loss of livelihoods, food insecurity, competition over scarce resources, human mobility and political and economic instability.

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Compendium of Technologies for Treatment/Destruction of Healthcare Waste

The UNEP division of Technology, Industry and Economics International Environmental Technology Centre has written a compendium which outlines the process of technology selection in the health-care sector based on UNEP's Sustainable Assessment of Technologies (SAT) methodology.

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Communication Material

E-Waste: Batteries disposal

The global battery market is estimated at USD 120 billion per year. 800,000 tonnes of automotive batteries, 190,000 tonnes of industrial batteries, and 160,000 tonnes of consumer batteries enter the European Union yearly. Proper disposal of batteries is essential because they contain heavy metals such as mercury, lead, cadmium, and…

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The term E-waste covers items of all types of electrical and electronic equipment and its parts that have been discarded by the owner as waste without the intention of reuse. This diverse and fast growing E-waste stream is often categorized as hazardous waste due to the presence of toxic metals,…

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E-Waste: Light bulbs and lamps

Lighting is defined as all the equipment whose primary function is to provide electric light.The global lighting market was valued at around USD 73 billion in 2011 and it is expected to exceed USD 100 billion by 2020. However, most lights contain valuable and toxic metals that may leach into…

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Policy Document

From containment to recovery: Environmental responses to the COVID-19 pandemic

The OECD has published a brief on the immediate steps that governments can take to ensure that emergency measures implemented to tackle the Novel Coronavirus COVID-19 crisis. The brief highlights that the crisis should not derail governments efforts to address pressing environmental challenges and improve environmental health and resilience of…

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Safe management of wastes from health-care activities

This document highlights the key aspects of safe health-care waste management to guide policy-makers, practitioners and facility managers to provide services in health-care facilities. It is based on the comprehensive and detailed WHO handbook Safe management of wastes from health-care activities.

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Overview of technologies for the treatment of infectious and sharp waste from health care facilities

This study, conducted in 2019 by WHO, looks at safe health care waste management, including segregation, collection, transport, treatment and waste disposal and understands that it is fundamental to wider efforts to provide quality and safe health care.

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Energypedia is a wiki platform for collaborative knowledge exchange on renewable energy, energy access, and energy efficiency topics in developing countries. The wiki platform is working towards removing the knowledge barriers and expanding the diffusion of information addressing the topics renewable energy, energy efficiency and sustainable energy access for all.

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Communication Material

UNEP/OCHA Joint Environment Unit – Response Activities Factsheet

This factsheet describes the emergency response services undertaken by the UN Environment/OCHA Joint Unit following assistance requests by Member States.

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TOR – Working Group on Environmental Analysis for Humanitarian Action

The Working Group aims to improve the quality of humanitarian analysis by ensuring that environmental factors and data, including those related to climate change, are included at an early stage through a collaborative effort. Specific focus is directed towards strengthening the involvement of environmental actors in remote analysis in support…

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The Knowledge Platform on Gender, Natural Resources, Climate and Peace

The Knowledge Platform on Gender, Natural Resources, Climate and Peace is provided by the Joint Programme of UN Environment, UN Women, the UN Development Programme and the UN Peacebuilding Support Office. The platform brings together practitioners, researchers, policymakers and other actors to share resources on programming and research.

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Policy Document

Model Approach to Environmental and Social Standards in UN Programming

Robust social and environmental standards and related accountability mechanisms are increasingly applied as best practice in a broad range of international programming and investments for sustainable development. In practical terms such standards aim to ensure that development and humanitarian actors are held to the principles they proclaim,…

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WWF – Green Guide to Disaster Risk Reduction

The WWF Environment & Disaster Management (EMD) program's Green Guide to Disaster Risk Reduction module 9 can be used for disaster risk reduction specialists to increase their awareness of appropriate and useful integration of environmental considerations into risk assessment and risk reduction.

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Moving Energy Initiative

The Moving Energy Initiative is an initiative which seeks to integrate clean energy in displacement settings with the help of original research. The Initiative provides reports and tool kits which details the costs, risks and benefits of various energy systems when organizing cooking, power and future sustainability in refugee camps.

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CARE: Resilience Marker

CARE's Resilience Marker is a tool that allows teams to self-assess how well resilience has been integrated into their work. It supports CARE members, affiliates, country offices, and partners with assessing projects, programmes and the overall portfolio.

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UN Environment: Quick guides on how humanitarian action can minimize environmental impacts

The 'Quick guides' contain key guidance on environmental issues relevant to six sectors of Food Security and Agriculture Sector, Basic Needs Sector, Health Sector, Education Sector, Protection Sector and Livelihood Sector of humanitarian response to population displacement. They underscore the opportunities to minimize negative environmental impacts during humanitarian action.

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UNEP – Integrated Strategic Environmental Assessment (ISEA) Guidance Note

The UN Environment Guidance note on Integrated Strategic Environmental Assessments in Post-Crisis Countries provides information on how to integrate disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation in sustainable reconstruction and development planning. It provides practical guidance on how to manage the process of assembling data.

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The Humanitarian Programme Cycle (HPC) tools provided by the UNOCHA is a coordinated series of actions undertaken to help prepare and deliver humanitarian response.

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Asia Pacific – DWM guidelines

The Disaster Waste Management Guidelines for Asia Pacific, published by the Japanese Ministry of the Environment, is developed to enhance preparedness for disasters by exchanging information, awareness and human resources during normal (non-hazard) times. The guidelines aims to provide a practical tool during a potential disaster as well as in…

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UNDP – Guidance Note on Municipal Solid Waste Management in Crisis and Post-Crisis Settings

The UNDP Guidance note forms part of a series of UNDP's signature products that aims to respond and support early recovery in immediate crisis and post-crisis contexts with practical advice and guidance to UNDP Country Offices. The objective is to provide guidance on how to plan, design and implement projects…

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UNDP – Guidance Note on Debris Management

The focus of the UNDP Guidance Note on debris management is to provide urgent post-crisis and post-disaster assistance. It offers practical advice to UNDP Country Offices on how to plan, design and implement short-term projects that effectively connects governments and communities in the process of assessment, clearance, recycling and management…

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Humanitarian Needs Overview (HNO) – Guidance and Templates

This guidance focuses on the preparation of the humanitarian needs overview…

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Quantifying Sustainability in the Aftermath of Natural Disasters (QSAND)

QSAND is a self-assessment tool to promote and inform sustainable approaches to relief, recovery and reconstruction after a natural disaster.

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On-Site Operations Coordination Centre (OSOCC) Guidelines

The On-Site Operations Coordination Centre (OSOCC) is a rapid response tool that provides a platform for the coordination of international response activities in a sudden onset emergency. The guidelines provide details on the set-up of an OSOCC and an associated environmental emergency cell.

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IASC Reference Module on Cluster Coordination

This module outlines the basic elements of cluster coordination and intends to serve as a reference guide for field practitioners to help facilitate their work and improve humanitarian outcomes.

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Guidance on Humanitarian Response Monitoring

This Humanitarian Response Monitoring Guidance is meant for all actors involved in the preparation of a humanitarian response plan and its monitoring…

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The Multi-cluster Initial Rapid Assessment (MIRA)

The Multi-cluster Initial Rapid Assessment (MIRA) is a joint needs assessment tool that provides a process for collecting and analyzing information on affected people and their needs to inform strategic response planning.

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The Framework for Assessing, Monitoring and Evaluating (FRAME) Toolkit

The FRAME Toolkit is a Framework for Assessing, Monitoring and Evaluating the Environment in Refugee-Related Operations…

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Report / Study

WWF: Building Back Safer and Greener

Nepal Earthquake…

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Humanitarian Data Exchange (HDX)

The Humanitarian Data Exchange (HDX) is an open platform for sharing data across crises and organisations…

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Humanitarian Indicator Registry

Registry of humanitarian indicators, including some indicators on environmental impacts.

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Flash Appeal guidance and templates

A flash appeal includes a concise, top-line analysis of the scope and severity of the humanitarian crisis and sets out priority actions and preliminary requirements for the response.

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Humanitarian Response Plan template

A humanitarian response plan communicates the strategy to respond to the assessed needs and serves as the basis for implementing and monitoring the collective response.

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GADRRRES: List of Resources for DRR in the Education Sector

The Global Alliance for Disaster Risk Reduction and Resilience in the Education Sector (GADRRRES) published resources and guidance for implementing the three Comprehensive School Safety Framework pillars (Safe Learning Facilities, School Disaster Management, and Risk Reduction and Resilience Education)…

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Training Material

Green Recovery & Reconstruction Toolkit – Module 2: Project Design, Monitoring, and Evaluation

Module 2 provides guidance on how project design, monitoring, and evaluation can better incorporate and address environmental issues within the typical project cycle of a post-disaster humanitarian aid project…

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Training Material

Green Recovery & Reconstruction Toolkit – Module 3: Environmental Impact Assessment Tools and Techniques

Module 3 builds upon Module 2, focusing specifically on assessment tools that can be used to determine the environmental impact of humanitarian projects regardless of project type or sector…

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IUCN: Integrating Environmental Safeguards into Flood Relief, Response and Recovery

Guidance on the integration of environmental safeguards into flood response and recovery by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN)…

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UNESCO Guidebook for planning education in emergencies and reconstruction

Guidelines to provide an educational response in emergency and reconstruction settings. Chapter 4.4 focuses on environmental education in emergencies.

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Inter-Agency Network for Education in Emergencies: Toolkit

The INEE Toolkit contains a wide variety of practical, field-friendly tools and resources to guide educationalists, humanitarian workers and government officials working in the field of education in emergencies through to recovery.

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USAID Education in Crisis and Conflict Network Repository

A USAID repository of resources on education for children and youth in crisis and conflict-affected environments.

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Aligning Budgets for Implementing Environmental Compliance Safeguards in USAID Development Food Assistance Programs

The toolkit provides advice on developing and refining budgets to ensure that environmental compliance requirements are identified early in project design and incorporated throughout the project cycle. The toolkit guides users in identifying resources required, integrating environmental planning with project budgets, and ensuring transparency of budgets.

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This resource provides multi-layered satellite imagery with open-access data including roads, type of built-up areas etc that can help identify potential environmental hotspots.

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Sinergise, Sentinel Hub

A platform with free access to ESA and NASA low resolution (10m) satellite imagery that is updated weekly and can help identify environmental changes published by Sinergise.

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UN, Global Risk Data Platform

The PREVIEW Global Risk Data Platform by UN Environment and UNISDR is a multiple agencies effort to share spatial data information on global risk from natural hazards. Users can visualise, download or extract data on past hazardous events, human & economical hazard exposure and risk from natural hazards.

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GeoQ is a web-based tool that fuses together data about a disaster site, including maps, imagery, news videos, and even social media from citizens at the scene.

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Earth-i provides very high resolution satellite data and processing services to organizations and agencies managing disaster response in natural and urban environments; identifying, preparing and planning for potential threats and emergencies; and responding rapidly to events as they occur.

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The UNITAR Operational Satellite Applications Programme (UNOSAT)

The UNITAR Operational Satellite Applications Programme (UNOSAT) provides high-quality geo-spatial information to UN decision makers, member states, international organizations and non-governmental organizations.

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Policy Document

The Sphere Handbook

The Handbook is one of the most widely known and internationally recognized tools for the delivery of the quality humanitarian response…

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Sphere Handbook Shelter Standards

The Sphere Minimum Standards for shelter and settlements are a practical expression of the right to shelter in humanitarian contexts. The standards are grounded in the beliefs, principles, duties and rights declared in the Humanitarian Charter. These include the right to life with dignity, the right to protection and security,…

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Guidance Note: Environmental Data and Information in Humanitarian Action

This guidance note informs those wishing to integrate environmental data and information into humanitarian action. It focuses specifically on how both humanitarian and environmental actors can access, share and utilize humanitarian or environmental data in the context of humanitarian preparedness, response and recovery.

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The Rapid Environmental Impact Assessment in Disasters (REA) tool

The Rapid Environmental Impact Assessment in Disaster (REA) is a tool to identify, define, and prioritize potential environmental impacts in disaster situations.

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UNISDR Guidance Note on Environmental Assessment

This guidance note provides guidance in analyzing the disaster risk-related consequences of potential projects via their impact on the environment and also the potential threat to projects posed by natural hazard…

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Report / Study

IUCN, Ecosystems, Livelihoods and Disasters: An Integrated Approach to Disaster Risk Management

This publication by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) outlines the role of ecosystems in the reduction of natural hazard and disaster risk.

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Communication Material

IrishAid: Environment and Humanitarian Assistance

This document published by Irish Aid provides a general overview of the links between environment and humanitarian assistance.

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Report / Study

UN, Environment and Humanitarian Action in the Age of Global Reform Agendas

This summary is based on previous studies and work conducted by the UN Environment / OCHA Joint Unit and its partners related to integrating environment in humanitarian action. It outlines major humanitarian trends that will shape the future integration of environmental considerations in humanitarian action.

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Report / Study

UN, Opportunities in Environmental Management for Disaster Risk Reduction

This paper published by UN Environment and UNISDR provides an initial introduction of gateways for disaster risk reduction into environmental management and to reviews the application of environmental management tools and approaches for reducing disaster risk.

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Report / Study

Environmental Emergencies: Learning from Multilateral Response to Disasters

This publication draws attention to the importance of multilateral cooperation in preparing for and responding to environmental emergencies. It raises awareness of the devastation that environmental emergencies can cause and highlights the strong need to integrate humanitarian and environmental action.

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Green building material selection and use guide

Practical guidelines for environmentally responsible selection, sourcing, use and disposal of construction material.

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Global Shelter Cluster: Identifying Critical Environmental Considerations in Shelter Site Selection, Construction, Management and Decommissioning

This checklist provides emergency shelter project managers a means to quickly assess shelter-related environmental impacts and identify practical actions to address these impacts.

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Shelter Sector Environmental Guidelines

This document focuses on housing reconstruction after natural hazard events that must be carried out in highly difficult circumstances and there are expectations to be operational very quickly. Its purpose is (1) to convey the full range of environmental and environmental health issues associated with housing construction, and (2) to…

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Camp Coordination and Camp Management Toolkit: Chapter on Environment

For detailed guidance on environmentally sustainable settlement and camp management see the Camp Management Toolkit, Chapter 6 on Environment.

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Policy Document

Global Food Security Cluster website

The Food Security Cluster (FSC) is about enhancing cooperation and partnerships. The FSC works directly with its partners and stakeholders that include NGOs, the Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement, UN organizations, Governments and Donors. The FSC was formally endorsed by the Inter Agency Standing Committee (IASC) on the 15…

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Logistics Operational Guide – Green Logistics guidance

The guide introduces logisticians to green logistics, encouraging them to think in "green" terms and highlighting the challenges and advantages. The site provides guidance on environmental best practice for the logistics cluster.

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Report / Study

Sustainable Logistics – Best Practices from the Global Compact

The document summarizes best sustainable logistics practices from the ten largest logistics companies and from other transportation businesses that have committed to the Global Compact principles.

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USAID sector environmental guidelines: Healthcare waste

The guidelines outline the typical environmental impacts of healthcare waste and provides options on how to mitigate or prevent these.

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Training Material

GRRT Green Guide to Livelihoods

The GRRT is a toolkit and training program designed to increase awareness and knowledge of environmentally responsible disaster response approaches. It explores the links b/n livelihoods, disaster vulnerability, and ecosystems and targets environmental issues related to the implementation of post-disaster livelihoods recovery in multy sector projects.

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Report / Study

Looking Through an Environmental Lens: Implications and opportunities associated with Cash Transfer Programming in humanitarian response

In this report, the authors explore the r/ship b/n Cash Transfer Programming and the environment in humanitarian action in light of the rise in cash-based assistance and the changing landscape of humanitarian modalities. The expansion of cash-based response introduces both new opportunities and additional complexity in the interaction between humanitarianism…

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USAID Sector Environmental Guidelines: Water Supply and Sanitation

An overview of best practices drawn from lessons learned in the field over more than 30 years with both participatory approaches and technical design.

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Report / Study

Environmental Best Practice in WASH Operations

This paper describes the main environment-related issues which should be considered and addressed in programs relating to WASH planning and ensuing practices in an emergency operation.

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Global WASH Cluster Key Concepts and Considerations in Emergency Response

This paper provides an overview of key concepts and considerations with regards to the environment and water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) activities undertaken in emergency operations.

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Training Material

Green Recovery & Reconstruction Toolkit: Training Toolkit for Humanitarian Aid (GRRT)

The GRRT is a toolkit and training program designed to increase awareness and knowledge of environmentally responsible disaster response approaches.

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Potential Environmental Impact Checklist for Common WASH Interventions

Checklist for potential environmental impacts of WASH interventions…

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Policy Document

OCHA: Climate Change and Humanitarian Action: Emerging Trends and Challenges

OCHA Occasional Policy Brief on climate change and humanitarian action…

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Policy Document

OCHA: Understanding the Climate-Conflict Nexus from a Humanitarian Perspective

This occasional policy paper aims to improve the humanitarian sector’s understanding of the nexus between climate change and violent conflict.

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UN Environment: Natural Resources and Conflict – A Guide for Mediation Practitioners

This guide collects and summarizes good practices on the successful mediation of resource conflicts. It draws on the field experiences of mediators and mediation experts, specifically those with natural resource expertise.

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IASC Operational Guidelines on the Protection of Persons in Natural Disasters

The IASC Guidelines promote a rights-based approach in situations of natural disasters by laying out operational guidelines for humanitarian responders…

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Operational Guidelines and Field Manual on Human Rights Protection in Situations of Natural Disaster

These guidelines help people in the field to understand the human rights dimensions of their work in disaster response while giving them practical examples and operational steps about how some of these seemingly abstract concepts may be implemented.

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Communication Material

Gender-based violence and environment

This UN Environment graphic overview highlights the links between gender-based violence and environment…

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USAID Sector Environmental Guidelines: Pest Management II: Safer Pesticide Use

The document provides guidance on maximizing the safety of pesticide use when such use is unavoidable. Before analyzing the risks and benefits of pesticide use all reasonable Integrated Pest Management alternatives must be analyzed.

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USAID Sector Environmental Guidelines: Pest Management I: Integrated Pest Management

The document provides guidance on integrated pest management, an approach which encourages natural and cultural control of pest populations by anticipating and managing pest problems, while permitting safer pesticide uses where justified and permitted.

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Rapid Environmental Assessment in Disasters (REA) Guidelines

The Rapid Environmental Assessment Guidelines are a tool which allow for defining and prioritizing potential environmental impacts during disaster situations.

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Case Study

UN Environment – Case Study of the Nyarugusu Refugee Camp; Tanzania

A collaborative study on the true cost of using traditional fuels in a humanitarian setting, using a case study of the Nyarugusu refugee camp in Tanzania.

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Report / Study

UN Food and Agriculture Organization – Energy Needs in Humanitarian Settings

The work of the UN's Food and Agriculture organization in partnership with SAFE to provide clean energy in refugee settings.

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Policy Document

Terms of Reference (ToR) Environmental Field Advisor

The Terms of Reference for Environmental Field Advisors describe the main tasks of a deployed Environmental Field Advisor.

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Case Study

Environment and Humanitarian Action Country Study – Afghanistan

A case study providing analysis and assessment of the extent to which environmental concerns have been mainstreamed in humanitarian action in Afghanistan.

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Case Study

Environment and Humanitarian Action Country Study – Nepal

A case study providing analysis and assessment of the extent to which environmental concerns have been mainstreamed in humanitarian action in Nepal.

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Disaster Waste Management Guidelines

These guidelines were developed with the aim of supporting the full cycle of disaster waste management, from risk reduction and contingency planning through to emergency planning response following a disaster or conflict.

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Communication Material, Tool

Environmental Guidance and Tools for Humanitarian Response

The UNEP/OCHA Joint Environment Unit (JEU) has developed and maintained various tools, guidance and resources to better integrate the environment into humanitarian response. To better understand the differences, best use cases and how they interact, we have prepared the following infographic.  …

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Environment Marker Sector Guidance

This guidance accompanies the Environment Marker, and aims at giving specific guidance on mitigation measures for activities in “B”-coded projects (medium environmental impact). It provides additional sector-specific guidance, using the example of Sudan.

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Witnessing the Environmental Impacts of War: Environmental Case Studies From Conflict Zones Around the World

There is an inextricable link between the protection of the environment and the protection of civilians across in the armed conflict-affected areas. This publication explains the breadth and complexity of conflict-linked environmental harm. The case studies presented outline why attention to the environment in relation to armed conflicts is necessary.

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Case Study

Mapping the Green Economy: A Case of Venezuelan refugees and migrants in Brazil

This latest report on Green Jobs maps the green economy in Brazil, supporting the development of strategies that UNHCR can adopt to further the labour integration of Venezuelan refugees and migrants in the country. The study aims at quantifying and locating green jobs in Brazil, understanding the labour situation…

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Managing solid waste: Sector-specific guidelines for the Red Cross Red Crescent

Developed as part of the RCRC Green Response initiative, these guidelines provide practical, sector specific information on how to better manage solid waste to improve emergency response operations. Key concepts and best practices in solid waste management are presented,…

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Case Study

Colombia NEAT+ Environmental Scoping Report and Recommendations, November 2019

Environmental Situation Analysis, Preparedness The purpose of the mission was to highlight key areas of environmental risk in UNHCR's programming in the CAI and neighbouring Chichituy host community while applying and promoting the Nexus Environmental Assessment Tool (NEAT+).

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Case Study

Lessons Learned Bulletin on Pandemic Measures and Chemical Process Safety

This factsheet is a special issue from the Lessons Learned Bulletin (LLB) and intends to raise awareness of risks associated with shutdown and startup of industrial sites where dangerous substances are present.

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Environmental Checklist for Shelter Response

The Environmental Checklist & Guidance for Shelter Response in Vanuatu was produced to fill the knowledge gap of the Vanuatu Shelter Cluster highlighted during past responses. The Checklist and associated Guidance Notes (in Annexes) link to the Cluster’s…

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Environmental Mainstreaming in Humanitarian Interventions

This report presents the key findings, good practices and recommendations of a study conducted by a group of LSE researchers, commissioned by the UNEP/OCHA Joint Environment Unit (JEU) together with the Global Shelter Cluster ECoP.

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Report / Study

Evaluating Climate Vulnerability in Humanitarian Hotspots

This study, conducted in 2019, focuses on the definition of climate vulnerability with operational and political perspectives and delivers guidelines for assessing climate vulnerability in long-term crises, such as in conflict-affected countries and recurrent disaster-prone areas. The research draws on an extensive academic literature review in the fields of biology,…

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Humanitarian Needs Overview – Annex III – Developing an environmentally sensitive HNO

Download the two page annex here. Integrating environmental considerations…

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USAID – Sector Environmental Guidelines: Healthcare Waste – Full Technical Update, 2019

Healthcare Waste - within the Sector Environmental Guidelines (SEGs) prepared for USAID under the Agency's Global Environmental Management Support (GEMS and GEMS-II) Program and Environmental Compliance Support (ECOS) Contract.

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Case Study

Myanmar – NEAT+ Environmental Scoping Report and Recommendations, October 2019

This report presents the results of an environmental scoping mission using the Nexus Environmental Assessment Tool (NEAT+) Hpa An Township, Kayin State in Southeast Myanmar.

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Case Study

Bidibidi Refugee Settlement: Environmental Scoping Report and Recommendations

The Bidibidi Refugee Settlement is located in the West Nile Area of Uganda, and is home to over 270,000 South Sudanese refugees -- the second largest refugee settlement in the world.

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Communication Material

UNEP/OCHA Joint Environment Unit – Disaster Waste Management Factsheet

This factsheet describes the supporting role the UN Environment/OCHA Joint Unit (JEU) undertakes during disaster waste management activities.

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Communication Material

UNEP/OCHA Joint Environment Unit – FEAT Factsheet

This factsheet describes the Flash Environmental Assessment Tool (FEAT), a tool developed by the UN Environment/OCHA Joint Unit (JEU) to help humanitarians assess the impacts of chemical accidents.

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Policy Document

Climate Change and Health: An Urgent New Frontier for Humanitarianism

A policy briefing provided by the international research collaboration The Lancet Countdown, offering an updated analysis of the intersection of climate change and global health. The briefing integrates the findings of the 2018 Lancet Countdown on Climate Change’s International Report with MSF’s documented on-the-ground experiences.

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Case Study

World Agroforestry: Restoring Natural Capital Through Tree-Based Interventions to Deduce Social Tensions in Humanitarian Settings

This document published by World Agroforestry details its initiative in Northern Uganda landscapes. The initiative focused on identifying potential tree-based approaches to protecting and restoring the ecoystem and assessing the enablers for fast-tracking ecosystem restoration in Rhino Camp and Imvepi settlements.

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Reducing environmental impact in humanitarian response – Sphere Thematic Sheet

Sphere recently published a new resource that offers hands-on guidance to practitioners looking to consider environmental issues in their humanitarian programmes. It is the first in a series of thematic sheets that will discuss some of the core issues in humanitarian response. [caption id="attachment_2417" align="aligncenter" width="633"] Photo: Kate Holt/IRIN[/caption]…

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Communication Material

IUCN – From Commitment to Action

This publication by International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) provides a briefing on transforming disaster risk reduction with ecosystem management.

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Case Study

FAO – Rapid Assessment of Natural Resources Degradation in Areas Impacted by the South Sudan Refugee Influx in Northern Uganda

A technical report on the rapid diagnostic assessment of land and natural resources degradation in Uganda undertaken by the FAO in collaboration with the Ugandan Ministry of Water and Environment (MWE) in 2018.

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Report / Study

Reducing Environmental Impacts of Vector Control Chemicals in Emergencies

Disasters can create environments in which vectors can increase dramatically and spread diseases. However, the chemicals most commonly used to dispose of these vectors can damage the environment and health. This paper provides guidance on how to create post-disaster sanitary efforts that remove the amount of vectors.

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WHO UNFCCC – Climate and Health Country Profile Project

The WHO UNFCCC Climate and Health Country Profile Project provides country-specific estimates of current and future climate hazards. It also identifies the effects of climate change on human health and identifies mitigation and policy change actions. The data is collected via biennial surveys and was completed in 2017.

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Prepare Center is an initiative established by the Red Cross which provides reports, case studies and training materials to encourage better preparedness for emergencies. It also provides insights and tools to integrate themes such as climate change, environment and urban resilience in disaster preparedness.

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Flood Resilience Portal

The Flood Resilience Portal is a tool which provides open access to resources to build resiliency to floods. It issues reviews of past responses and provides community-specific flood resilience measurements.

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The Knowledge Hub on Health and Migration

The Knowledge Hub on Health and Migration is a joint effort committed to building expertise on the public health aspects of migration and making information in this area widely available. The Hub provides tool kits, training materials, reports and schooling to better prepare for the health needs which arise during…

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Moving Energy Initiative (MEI) – Infrastructure Management Contracts: Improving Energy Asset Management in Displacement Settings

This paper highlights a number of options for managing electricity infrastructure in refugee camps. It outlines the challenges, opportunities and operational implications associated with them using the Kalobeyei settlement in Kenya as a case study.

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Moving Energy Initiative (MEI) – Adopting a Market-based Approach to Boost Energy Access in Displaced Contexts

This report issued by the Moving Energy Initiative (ME) provides information on aid agencies and the risk of undermining market systems if they do not consider established markets in their planning. In worst-case scenarios, inadequate planning can weaken a population's access to basic goods, services and income-generating opportunities.

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Moving Energy Initiative (MEI) – Innovative Financing for Humanitarian Energy Interventions

This paper explores the increase in resources and funding needed to improve the access of displaced people to modern and sustainable energy services.

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Case Study

Afghanistan Environment and Humanitarian Action country study

The Afghanistan Environment and Humanitarian Action (EHA) country-level study is one in a series of studies undertaken by the JEU in 2015 that assesses the extent to which environmental concerns have been mainstreamed in humanitarian action. This study provides guidance and advice to humanitarian actors on how to improve environmental…

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Case Study

Nepal Environment and Humanitarian Action Country Study

Nepal Earthquake…

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Case Study

Haiti Environment and Humanitarian Action Country Study

The Environment and Humanitarian Action (EHA) Haiti country study is one in a series of country-level studies that assess the extent to which environmental concerns have been mainstreamed in humanitarian action. In April 2015, JEU supported by Groupe URD to undertook a mission to Haiti to look at environmental mainstreaming…

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Knowledge Point is an online Q&A forum providing fast and accessible technical expertise for humanitarian and development workers worldwide. By providing organized groups KnowledgePoint gives users with common interests - such as working for the same organisations or project - a private, customization space to share knowledge.

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Case Study

Mozambique Shelter Cluster & UNDP – General strategy for risk reduction linked to asbestos cement

This strategy addresses awareness, assessment and management of asbestos following Cyclone Idai in Mozambique (2019). Drawing from the case study, the strategy provides a general outline of key steps to raise awareness; design trainings; and plan and implement safe removal, handling and disposal of asbestos in emergency situations.

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Report / Study

Moving Energy Initiative, Powering Ahead – Improving how we use and account for energy in humanitarian operations

This toolkit published by the Moving Energy Initiative is a practical guide for humanitarian agencies that want to make energy cost savings and reduce their carbon and emissions footprint. It is part of a series of published outputs examining how energy is used in humanitarian settings. It is designed to…

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Report / Study

ECoP Briefing Paper: The Environment and Rights in Poorly Regulated Construction Markets: Considerations for Emergency Cash Based Interventions

This briefing paper published by the Environment Community of Practice (ECoP) revolves around the provision of cash in the aftermath of crisis or during protracted displacement and potential impacts on the environment. The provision of cash can help people access the things they need such as food, shelter or energy.

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Chathamhouse – The Moving Energy Initiative (MEI)

The Moving Energy Initiative (MEI) provided by the Chathamhouse offers guidance on energy in humanitarian operations. This toolkit provides practical guide for humanitarian agencies that want to make energy cost savings and reduce their carbon and emissions footprint.

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UNDG – Natural Resource Management in Transition Settings

This guidance note aims to raise awareness and increase understanding of the negative and positive roles that natural resources can play in peace consolidation. It provides practical guidance to assist in thinking through how natural resource management principles and practices can feed into transitional analysis and planning frameworks.

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Report / Study

CRS & EPP – Peace Renewable Energy Credits

This report introduces the PREC as a new mechanism for financing renewable energy in conflict- and crisis-affected countries. The report assesses the market feasibility of PRECs through the lens of existing renewable energy markets. It includes a summary of renewable energy markets, drivers of demand, and the impact of voluntary…

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ICLEI – Sustainable Procurement Platform

The Sustainable Procurement Platform is a resource center that provides tools and guidelines for sustainable procurement efforts managed by the ICLEI. The platform offers assistance for public and private sector organisations to implement sustainable, innovative, circular or strategic procurement.

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HLCM Procurement Network – Greening the Blue

Greening the Blue is a resource center for sustainable procurement action providing information and guidelines on procurement efforts in the UN, created by the HLCM Procurement Network.The resource center offers assistance to procurers and requisitioners regarding sustainable procurement. T…

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Case Study

WWF – Cluster Tip Sheets

Case studies of the Hariyo Ban Programs in Nepal, designed to build resilience to climate change in communities and ecosystems by restoring and conserving Nepal's forest. The studies, conducted by the WWF,demonstrates how the projects have been implemented after disasters…

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Case Study

UNEP – Managing post-disaster debris: the Japan experience

A report conducted by the UNEP regarding the international expert mission to Japan targeting the management of post-disaster debris.

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Case Study

UNHCR – Disaster Waste Recovery, Guidelines for Implementing Cash-for-Work Projects in the Waste Management Sector

The guidelines for implementing Cash-for-Work Projects (CfW) in the waste management sector is an initiative of Caritas, Action Against Hunger and the Danish Refugee Council. They provide guiding principles and criteria for implementing cfW programs in the waste management sector as a means to achieve environmental goals and improve the…

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Communication Material

FAO Guidance – The SAFE Leaflet

The Safe Access to Fuel and Energy leaflet (SAFE) created by the FAO is an initiative that aims at strengthening resilience of crisis-affected populations. FAO is collaborating with partners through the SAFE initiative to address energy needs during emergencies and protracted crises, and to build resilient livelihoods in a sustainable…

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FAO -The SAFE Framework

The report of the Safe Access to Fuel and Energy (SAFE) presents an overview of FAO's work on the initiative and the steps needed to scale up the approach in order to build resilience through the SAFE framework.

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FAO – The guidance note Meeting Fuel and Energy Needs in Protracted Crises

The FAO guidance note presents the experiences and lessons learned which aims to support humanitarian actors in the field addressing energy access as part of food and nutrition security interventions in situations of protracted crisis.

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Case Study

Case study: Philippines Coconut Timber following typhoon Haiyan

Typhoon Haiyan…

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Report / Study

Conflict Pollution and the Toxic Remnants of War

This document highlights the complex relationship between armed conflict and environmental pollution.

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Report / Study

UNEP: From Conflict to Peacebuilding – The Role of Natural Resources and the Environment

This UNEP report discusses the key linkages between environment, conflict and peacebuilding, and provides recommendations on how these can be addressed more effectively by the international community…

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Toxic Remnants of War Network

The Toxic Remnants of War Network is a civil society network working to reduce the humanitarian and environmental impact of pollution from conflict and military activities.

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Pax for Peace – Conflict & Environment

PAX works to document the environmental impact of new and ongoing conflicts, and to build better responses in order to reduce threats to public health and environmental risks for civilians.

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Report / Study

Environmental Impact Assessments in Refugee Crises

A report on environmental impacts assessments in refugee crisis.

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Report / Study

Groupe URD: Implications of Refugee Settlements on the Natural Environment and on Refugee and Host Community Resilience

A study exploring the environmental impact of forced migration in different contexts.

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Report / Study

NRC: The Ecological Impact of Refugee/Returnee Programmes

An Norwegian Refugee Council evaluation report on the ecological impacts of refugee programs and actions taken to mitigate such impacts.

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Policy Document

UNHCR: Refugee Operations and Environmental Management

Guidance by UNHCR on environmental management during refugee operations.

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UN Development Group: Natural Resource Management in Transition Settings

UN Development Group Guidance on the roles that natural resources can play in peace consolidation. It provides practical guidance to assist in thinking through how natural resource management principles and practices can feed into transitional analysis and planning frameworks.

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IASC Operational Guidance on Coordinated Assessments in Humanitarian Crises (IASC-CA)

The IASC Operational Guidance on Coordinated Assessments in Humanitarian Crises (IASC-CA) promotes a shared vision of how to plan and carry out coordinated assessments. Outputs from coordinated assessments support humanitarian decision-making by focusing on how to enhance preparedness and coordinate assessments.

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Report / Study

UNESCO, Environment and Culture

A collection of publications on environment and culture published by UNESCO.

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Communication Material

Disaster Rebuilding: Environmentally Responsible Design Principles

Principles for environmentally responsible disaster recovery and reconstruction, developed by the World Wide Fund for Nature Environment and Disaster Management Program.

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Timber as a construction material in humanitarian operations

Guidance for using timber as a construction material in humanitarian response.

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Communication Material

Environment tip sheet emergency shelter – Sudan

Sudan Crisis…

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Case Study

Shelter Cluster Sustainable Shelter Solutions pilots

Sustainable shelter solutions applied in the Somalia Crisis…

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Checklist for integrating energy in the Humanitarian Programme Cycle

Builds on experiences with the implementation of Safe Access to Fuel and Energy (SAFE) and SAFE-related projects to guide the Cluster Coordination team and partners on how to integrate energy in all phases of the Humanitarian Programme Cycle. Steps are outlined for each of the HPC.

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Communication Material

Food Security & Livelihoods (FSL) tip sheet

Sudan Crisis…

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Report / Study

Environmental health in emergencies and disasters: a practical guide

The guide is targeted to emergency planners and environmental technical staff working in a disaster context. It provides detailed guidance on environmental health activities in the prevention, preparedness, response and recovery stages of an emergency.

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WHO: Health response to technological incidents

This WHO page gathers guidance concerning the public health response to technological incidents, e.g. chemical accidents and accidents related to the transport of hazardous goods.

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WHO Fact Sheets on Environmental Sanitation

A WHO compilation of fact sheets and mitigating processes for water, sanitation, and hygiene education.

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Report / Study

WaterAid: How does WASH help build resilience to climate change?

A WaterAid briefing note explaining why improved WASH services are central to any climate change adaptation strategy…

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Report / Study

ACF WASH & Environment Position Paper

A paper on environmental preservation, protection and recovery in WASH programs…

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A cloud solution for mapping and monitoring the sustainable use of natural resources.

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ECLAC Handbook for Estimating the Socio-economic and Environmental Effects of Disasters

The United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean manual is a tool for identifying and quantifying damages from a disaster, through a uniform methodology. It also provides the elements necessary to identify those social, economic and environmental and geographical regions that have been more concerned and that…

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UNEP Environmental Needs Assessment in Post-Disaster Situations: A Practical Guide for Implementation

This guidance outlines a post-emergency environmental needs assessment method in order to fully integrate environmental needs within early recovery programming.

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Environmental Field Advisor

Environmental Field Advisors (EFA) are technical experts, with varying environmental backgrounds, which may be deployed to assist project implementers with the integration of environmental considerations.

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Periodic Monitoring Report guidance

A periodic monitoring report helps Humanitarian Country Teams (HCTs) regularly examine whether sufficient progress is being made in reaching strategic and cluster objective.

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Report / Study

A Note on Environmental Mainstreaming

Environmental mainstreaming is a process by which environmental considerations become part of the existing core work of a predominantly non-environmental sector. This short explanation outlines the mechanisms of environmental mainstreaming and how it typically occurs.

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Report / Study

Environmental Peacebuilding

Website on environmental peacebuilding, which integrates natural resource management in conflict prevention, mitigation, resolution, and recovery to build resilience in communities affected by conflict…

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Report / Study

IFRC Green Response

IFRC’s Green Response seeks to save lives and reduce suffering without risking damage to the livelihoods, health and survival of affected people and improving the environmental outcomes of life-saving operations.

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IASC Guidance on the Humanitarian Programme Cycle (HPC)

This reference module by the Inter-Agency Standing Committee (IASC) provides an overview of the Humanitarian Programme Cycle (HPC), including what needs to be done, when and by whom, to enable managers to allocate staff and tasks, sequence decisions and planning, and identify priorities.

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UNEP: Key Things to Know About Environment as “Cross Cutting” Issue in Early Recovery

This brief UN Environment note provides an overview of key environmental considerations for early recovery actors, including a short cluster-specific checklist.

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Case Study

UNEP/UNISDR: Reducing Risk Through Environment in Recovery Operations

This case study examines the integration of environment in disaster recovery in Myanmar and Bangladesh.

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Communication Material

Ten tips how humanitarians can protect the environment

On World Humanitarian Day 2018, UN Environment published an overview of key environmental considerations for humanitarian action.

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Communication Material

UNDP Climate and Disaster Resilience

A collection of resources on disaster and climate risk reduction by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)…

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UN Habitat: SHERPA for Sustainable Housing Projects

UN Habitat SHERPA is an easy to use self-evaluation tool for actors involved in the planning, design, construction and assessment of housing projects. SHERPA assesses housing projects, helping to improve sustainability across site selection, the design process, as well as the life cycle and recyclability of building materials used.

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UNHCR Environmental Guidelines

Key environmental considerations in UNHCR's operations…

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Report / Study

DFID: Mainstreaming the Environment into Humanitarian Response: An Exploration of Opportunities and Issues

This paper prepared by Environmental Resources Management Limited for DFID explores the opportunities and issues associated with mainstreaming the environment into humanitarian response activities.

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UNESCO: Education for Sustainable Development: Good Practices in Addressing Biodiversity

A UNESCO compilation of good practices on integrating biodiversity in Education for Sustainable Development (ESD)…

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UNESCO: Education for Sustainable Development: Good Practices in Addressing Climate Change

A UNESCO compilation of good practices on integrating climate change in Education for Sustainable Development (ESD)…

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The Global WASH Cluster and associated toolkits

WASH Cluster Homepage…

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Report / Study

Protection in Natural Disasters

The Brookings Bern Project on Internal Displacement paper discusses differences and similarities in the protection of people affected by natural disasters and by conflict, delineates some of the obstacles to effective protection, and describes a framework for protection response, the Inter Agency Standing Committee's Operational Guidelines on Human Rights in…

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Communication Material

WEDO: Gender and Biodiversity

Women's Environment and Development Organization study on the relationship between Gender and Biodiversity, also relevant for protection cluster…

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Report / Study

Age, Gender and Diversity in UNHCR operations

How UNHCR covers Age, Gender and Diversity. Provides valuable follow up information on topics indirectly related to environmental factors.

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Policy Document

2018 JRP for Rohingya Humanitarian Crises

The Rohingya Humanitarian Crises highlights the close link between protection and environmental factors. The chapter on protection calls for protection planning that takes into account environmental factors.

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Case Study

Regional & Country Risk Profiles and GHG Emissions Fact Sheets

Climate risk profiles summarize key climate stressors and risks most relevant to a mission's objectives. Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions fact sheets provide information that may be useful in identifying climate change mitigation opportunities.

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USAID: Climate Risk Management

Resouces and guidance on USAID's Climate Risk Management (CRM) approach…

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Case Study

Environment and Disaster Management – Investigation of Environmental Issues in Cash Transfer Programming

Project led by LSE Students which investigates the environmental issues associated with cash transfer programming.

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Case Study

PAX – Scorched Earth and Charred Lives

A report by PAX for Peace regarding Syria۪s oil industry, the rise of makeshift oil refining and the issues arising from these practices.

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Case Study

Environment and Humanitarian Action Country Study – Haiti

A case study providing analysis and assessment of the extent to which environmental concerns have been mainstreamed in humanitarian action in Haiti.

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Report / Study

OCHA – Myanmar Initial Flood Response Plan; August to December 2015

The 2015 Myanmar's Initial Flood Response Plan by OCHA, which called for $75.5 million to cover the needs of over 580,000 people in six regions that were affected by floods in summer of 2015.

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ACAPS – Rapid Humanitarian Assessment in Urban Settings; Technical Brief

A technical brief by ACAPS on improving coordinated needs assessments to improve the quality and accountability of humanitarian response in urban areas.

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UN Environment – Natural Resources and Conflict: A Guide for Mediation Practitioners

Guidance document produced by UN Environment Programme for stakeholders mediating conflicts and disputes over natural resources.

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Report / Study

UNHCR, The Environment & Climate Change Report

A UNHCR publication covering topics such as the impacts of climate change on displacement, climate change, armed conflict as well as the role and challenges of the work of UNHCR.

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UNEP/OCHA Joint Environment Unit – Environment Marker

A tool enabling each humanitarian project to identify its potential impact on the local environment, providing guidance on how to address it in a manner which is tailored to the specific country.

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CARE International – Rapid Environmental Impact in Disasters Guidelines

These guidelines provide information on the Rapid Environmental Assessment tool, which is designed to identify, define, and prioritize potential environmental impacts in disaster situations…

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Key Activities


Situation Analysis

A situation analysis following a crisis typically looks at key crisis drivers, affected areas, the number and type of affected people, the ways in which people are affected, the most urgent needs and available capacities.



Assessing the environmental consequences of an emergency and prioritizing the response actions based on the needs, forms the foundation of a coherent, efficient and sustainable humanitarian response.


Response and Recovery Planning

Environment is included into response plans in order to improve programme quality and accountability to disaster-affected people.


Resource Mobilization

Environmental mainstreaming is dependent on successful resource mobilization, where environmental concerns must be integrated in funding proposals in order to secure funding.



Successful integration of environment into the implementation of humanitarian response requires that environment be included into preparedness and planning phases, but also effective coordination with national actors.


Response Monitoring

Response monitoring is about creating evidence for humanitarian actors about what actions should be taken to address shortcomings and fill gaps in in the response, with the aim of improving accountability towards affected populations, local government, donors and the general public.



Coordination involves bringing actors together. It is a key mechanism for mainstreaming environment in disaster management.


Information and Data Sharing

Environmental information and data is important for an efficient humanitarian response and should be shared according to established humanitarian information management practices


Evaluation and Learning

Humanitarian response evaluations and lessons learnt should consider the extent to which environment has been addressed



Addressing environment in the recovery process helps restore societal functions in a more sustainable manner

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